It is 2022, and setting boundaries in business is essential!
Someone had to say it because many people aren’t taking steps to protect themselves from overwhelm. Their mental and physical stability are suffering. Realmente, all it takes are some boundaries to set us up to thrive.
So let’s talk about it.
I would like to preface this list by saying that as a California-based wedding photographer, I am nowhere near perfecta at setting boundaries in my business. However, boundaries are something that has become extremely important to me. Especially since becoming a madre and learning to navigate motherhood as a business owner.
No, I am not talking about the eating lime hot cheetos and making a Paloma version of self-care. Although those are my vibe, I am talking about how setting a healthy boundary in business is a form of self-care! I allow myself to take a step back to take care of myself.
Setting a boundary as a business owner lets me listen to what my body is telling me it necesita. I have felt so much more like myself since doing this!
One of the biggest benefits of setting boundaries in business is allowing yourself the time to be more creative! As a California-based photographer, there is so much to be inspired by, la naturaleza, comida, las personas, todo.
Setting a healthy boundary lets you dive deep into expressing your creative outlets.
When I first thought of setting boundaries in my business, I was stirring up some negative feelings. In reality, it’s the opposite!
Those boundaries are set out of mutual respect.
They are placed on respecting me as un ser humano and business owner as well as my client’s time. I mean, no one wants to hear a late-night message coming in when they’re trying to go to sleep.
Just like the relationships with partners, amistades, and familias, our work relationships matter too! As a business owner, it’s important to have a great client relationship experience, but that doesn’t mean at the expense of our sanity. Setting a boundary in business makes you a better business owner for your clients.
My client relationships are excelente due to the boundaries set in place!!
Let’s be real. . .as much as we love our careers and businesses, we are still humans who have families, friends, cultures, and beliefs outside of the “professional” realm. Setting boundaries in business helps us separate our personal lives to serve our clients better.
Talking about setting boundaries is one thing, but do it? A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING… And it is fucking hard. Here is a list of different ways of setting boundaries in business.
Letting potential clients know your work schedule before they book you is IMPORTANT! Being transparent with your boundaries in business, like working hours, from the start avoids any miscommunication.
Pero like, stick to them!!
We have all been there. . .and guess what es completamente normal! The important part about setting boundaries in business is learning from your mistakes and moving forward. If you notice something is not working right for you or your clients, take the opportunity to adjust those boundaries to work better for everyone.
It’s all about how we grow from those mistakes!
There will be some off-chances when people push back on your boundaries and let me tell you they don’t feel good. You will get that late-night message during sleep time or when you’re with your loved ones. Escucha when I tell you, it is okay to remind folks of that boundary already established.
Nunca tengas miedo, shit ain’t easy! As a Latina, culturally I have been taught to say yes and to self sacrifice pero ya no! I deserve to hold my boundaries high and to be heard, just as much as I will respect and listen to yours.
As always querido/a/x, thank you for being here and listening.